Suggestions for use:
A bear only tolerates a certain level of human scent. Our products help you stay under this level, allowing you to fill your tag. Bear Scents products are used by nuisance bear trappers, bear researchers and wildlife biologists from the University of St. Paul, Minnesota, Voyager National Park, Dept. of Biology in Taiwan R.O.C., Oregon, New Jersey, Arkansas, Michigan, Louisiana and Florida.
Hunters know the best sense a bear has is its sense of smell. The Black Bear uses this sense to seek out food sources and danger. Our products help attract bears and works as a great cover scent.
Bear Scents, backed by 25 years of field testing, has developed a line of powerful attractants that are easy to use, long-lasting and economical. Some of our scents are derived from foods a bear naturally seeks out in the wild, while others are potent aromas we have found will lure bears in from miles away.
Bear Scents .backed by 25 years of field testing, has developed a line of powerful attractants that are easy to use,
Bear Scents .backed by 25 years of field testing, has developed a line of powerful attractants that are easy to use, |