Here is a really nice Ford 4630 4wheel drive tractor in really nice shape . It has 2056 hours on it Ithas a 16 speed Transmission w reverser trans for easy loader work ,Dual rear
remotes , Telescoping hitch arms , 55 HP Diesel engine , Four Wheel Drive, Full cab with Heat and Radio , Loader with quick detatch bucket ,Bucket level Indicator
, rear wheel weights and the rear tires arefilled with calcium . Rear window is broken and right turn signal lensis busted also could use a new radio or an antenna , has new speakersinstalled
,rear tires are very good fronts are about 50% . Thistractor starts right up and does everything it was made for . I justpainted it a couple of months ago so you should have to do
anythingexcept go to work with it . You can see my new one and this one beforeI painted it in one photo just to show how clean it was even beforepaint . This is a super nice tractor that will
not disappoint .