If the hull is built with an open hull, it is a more labor intensive boat to build when pulling the boat up together than one with a center bench. That is the reason for the up-charge on the open hull.
The open hull bracing basically takes the place of the structurally important center bench. Due to our hulls being made of one solid piece of aluminum that is wrapped up around the inner makings of
the boat, the open hull bracing is important if you choose to not have a center bench in your boat. They MUST be there and they can not go under the floor because that would ruin the concept of
longitudinal bracing. (see the Information Page for more info on Longitudinal Bracing and why it is important)
We can deck between the bracing for a step up floor if you like. However, these braces are handy for keeping ice chest and tackle boxes from sliding around. You may still place half boxes or gun
boxes wherever you choose with open hull bracing.
The open hull bracing basically takes the place of the structurally important center bench
The open hull bracing basically takes the place of the structurally important center bench |