Van Overbergh Upright piano serial number 23580 year 1849
Upright piano from the National Exhibition Paris with case of mahogany, with various bronzes highlighting the case.
Inside of piano is Marked Exposition National de 1849, Flammant Pere et Fils Paris 45 Rue Neuve St Augustin 45
This piano was in the Universal Exhibition of 1849 in Paris. This isalso showing us that two famous and known makers of piano had obviouslyworked on this piano as a team. Flammant Pere et Fils was
listed inthis Exhibition as well in the same year. It is our belief that thoughthe piano was made by Van Overbergh, the case was made by Flammant Pereet Fils. Le Jury Accors ? M. Van Overbergh une
Mention honorable.
Paris maker at 9 rue de Choiseul in the second arrondissement. VanOverbergh entered pianos in the Universal Exhibition Paris of 1849 andthe London Exhibition in 1851. He patented a pedal which
opens the topof an upright piano for greater volume of sound. The patent seems todescribe these openings as a series of seven louvers, each of which canbe controlled individually. Included in this
patent is an iron framewith bars that tighten or loosen to relieve the pressure of the stringson the case.
Upright piano from the National Exhibition Paris with case of mahogany, with various bronzes highlighting the case.