When purchased with one of our antique guitars, you pay only $285.00 + additional S&H.
Guitar cases without an instrument, built to specification.... $400.00 (+ S&H) Cases exceeding 40" in length or of unusual width or depth require a custom quotation. Send us
your specifications for a quote.
The accompanying photographs are of a "19th Century style" called the coffin case for a guitar. They are a little complicated to make and we finish them out to resemble a 19th century trunk. The sides are half inch thick and the top is attached with three brass hinges. The top and bottom are made of thin (1/4" or approx 6 mm) plywood. Dimensions are approx. 38.5"L x 13.5"W x 4.75"D. Weight approx. 8 pounds) There are two hooked hasps and a leather trunk handle. There is a small built in compartment for extra stings, tuner or humidifier etc.. Please send us your specifications. To order a guitar case, for a printable Adobe (PDF) with the measurements required.
Custom Guitar Cases
Guitar cases without an instrument, built to specification. $400.00 (+ S&H) Cases exceeding 40" in length or of unusual width
Guitar cases without an instrument, built to specification. $400.00 (+ S&H) Cases exceeding 40" in length or of unusual width |