We have an extensive selection of fine musical instruments. Centuries of Luthiers are represented in our many Violins, Violas and Cellos.
Welcome to Marhoa's Violins
Our everchanging collection includes an impressive mix of new and old. We offer instruments from some of Italy's most well known makers of today, including Laura Vigato and
Stefano Conia, as well as, those made by some of the all time greats, such as Vuillame and Guarneri. There is also an ample selection of Old French and Italian violins most beginning in the price
range of $10,000 and up. Below is a sampling of what we have had in store this past month or so.
Luthiers of The Violin House of Marhoa
We have an extensive selection of fine musical instruments. Centuries of Luthiers are represented in our many Violins
We have an extensive selection of fine musical instruments. Centuries of Luthiers are represented in our many Violins |