We invite you to visit our site and review one of the world's finest and most unique collections of brand new Italian made accordions. All models are available from Accordions USA by contacting us toll-free in North America at 888.887.0975 or, if you are visiting the New York City / Northern New Jersey area, dozens are showcased in America's only exclusively new accordion showroom.
The PAOLO SOPRANI Line lives on with the most compact model with their Professionale designation. This is a semi-pro to pro model (depending on reed type) with 4/5 sets of reeds featuring the renowned Paolo Soprani Musette tuning - passed down for close to a century. Once the accordion marque of the "masses", today, Paolo Soprani remains committed to providing fine Italian manufacture by trained artisans - all at a competitive price point. Sweet musette tuning with a lush 3 reed true musette as well as the lighter 2 reed Violin. Together with the optional CIAO midi system, this is one of the lighter and more affordable modern-day one man band solutions. Even available with wireless midi and mics. Acoustic w/microphones or MIDI versions - either one is a lighter weight model with versatility and cost savings vs. a full size model. ~21.5 lbs
37/96 mid-size w/4/5 sets of HF Reeds (shown w/ optional 400 sound CIAO midi system) IN STOCK without MIDI
37/96 mid-size w/4/5 sets of HF Reeds (shown w/ optional 400 sound CIAO midi system) IN STOCK without MIDI |