Reliability, tonal ease of control and Excellent intonation are hallmarks of the Courante trombone Hard chrome plated brass inner slides Brass outside slides baked epoxy lacquer finish with a gold laquer made to last Strong ABS Hard case. Slick smooth slide action Trombone bore of 14.8mm - not too large - suited to students for easier blowing and breath support Trombone bell of 233mm produceds a balanced not too bright or ot to dark tone well suited to Band ensemble playing Courante CTS200 trombones exhibit excellent intonation accuracy and tonal quality well above their excellent price might suggest
Reliability, tonal ease of control and Excellent intonation are hallmarks of the Courante trombone Hard chrome
Reliability, tonal ease of control and Excellent intonation are hallmarks of the Courante trombone Hard chrome |