Nanoparticle sizing solutionEasySAXS, the new small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) solution from PANalytical, enables the analysis of nanopowders and nano-composite materials. It operates on the
proven PANalytical XPert PRO MPD (multi-purpose X-ray diffractometer) platform and enables users even with little or no prior knowledge of the technique to characterize nanoparticles quickly.
Nanotechnology and EasySAXS - perfect partners Control of particle size is essential for the determination of the consistency, quality and performance characteristics of nanomaterials. EasySAXS
delivers valuable analysis of particle and pore size distributions in powder materials in a diameter range from 1 to 100 nm.EasySAXS advantages The new small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) solution
from PANalytical has a number of advantages:Optimal performance in the size range from 1 - 100 nm Easy and fast sample preparation Samples may be crystalline or amorphous, inorganic or organic
Available on a multipurpose XRD instrument Pre-aligned system that does not require calibration Non-destructive measurements under ambient conditions Push-button data analysis and report creation
Optional automated batch measurement and analysis of multiple samples Analysis results often within minutes