The SMICO GYROSET" is a 2-bearing, positive eccentric, oil lubricated screener built for suspension or base mounting. The GYROSETs" are built with adjustable positive eccentric action, and all have
8 strokes varying from 0" to 3/8". The SMICO Gyroset can be adjusted for pitch. When suspended, there is a certain amount of adjustment through the location of the nuts on the eyebolts supporting
the cables, but if extensive change is required, the cables must be lengthened, or shortened. The base mounted units must be locked up to raise one end to the desired inclination. In most mine
tippers (or breakers) and in the aggregate plants, there is usually so much movement in the structure and so much other machinery creating sway and vibration that a good foundation is impossible.
For these fields, the Gyroset is an excellent selection. In the foundry, shake-out and core knock-out service, Gyrosets are used with little maintenance. Castings are not laid on a shake-out, the
are thrown or dumped on it. Gyrosets just wobble a little bit in its spring mounting and keep going. SMICO Gyrosets are great for use in chemical, plastics, cement, mining, aggregate and asphalt
plants. SMICO also offers Testing of your product to determine the best equipment for your application.