Bagpipes Description: This fully equipped four reeds made of plastic. That all four parts stocks, torch, cap, content bustles, low drone, Chanter and other pipes are made from plastic which are
equipped with rubber bag of good quality (the bag is filled by forcing air through the torch and continues a steady supply of air travel over all four reeds at the same time). Belle Bagpipe
mountain made of plastic at high printing quality of polystyrene with black brightness. The bagpipe NORMAL cotton with the bore, built of money, finishing with fine design standard Scots blanket
and bag of acorns Tartan has done cane reeds installed, as a bag carrying case included with your drive set of bagpipes. Each of the three drones contain a reed made from a section of cane, as a
small length of bamboo. A fin is cut in the side of the cane, and that language vibrates when the air bag of crosses. The drone is granted by adjusting its section above-length slides of the
drone at the top and bottom on the lower notes constants Thursday that harmonize with the melody being played on the chanter.
Size and measures of highlander bagpipe (standard size)
Good quality standard size highlander bagpipe made of high quality black plastic with complete quality accessories and hardcase.