A reed is a thin strip of material, which vibrates to produce a sound on a musical instrument. The reeds of woodwind instruments are made from Arundo donax or synthetic material; tuned reeds (as in
harmonicas and accordions) are made of metal or synthetics.
There are two types of Reed Instruments:
Single Reeds
Single reeds are used on the mouthpieces of clarinets and saxophones. They have a flat (back) side which fits against the mouthpiece and a top side which tapers to a thin tip. They are rectangular
in shape except for the thin vibrating tip, which is curved to match the curve of the mouthpiece tip. Although all single reeds are shaped similarly, they vary in size to fit the appropriate
Double Reeds
Double reeds are used on the oboe, oboe d'amore, english horn, bassoon, contrabassoon and bagpipes. They are typically not used in conjunction with a mouthpiece; rather the two reeds vibrate
against each other.
We deal with different types of Reed Instruments, most particularly we offer Harmonium