Since the CDJ-800 is fully MP3-compatible, aspiring DJs can nowinclude the very latest downloaded tracks in their sets, without havingto convert the audio from other formats. The MP3 functionality alsoallows DJs to locate tracks more quickly (via Folder Search) and to seethe name of the disc, artist and song on the unit's bright dot-matrixdisplay window. This screen also has a bar graph showing the elapsedand remaining playing time of a track, plus an Auto BPM Counter, givingDJs the real-time information they need to create better mixes morequickly. The unit has a tempo read-out too, as well as a separateMaster Tempo button with 3 settings for locking the pitch of a track asits' sped up or slowed down.
The Pioneer CDJ800 CD player combines the well known featuresPioneer have offered with their other models and the facility to allowthe DJ to play MP3's as well.
it is brand new one
it is brand new one |