Feature : " Super finish, Light Weight and lower inertia. " Uniform Package Density, even in soft dye packages, " Ceramic insert at apexes and crossing points for more durability. " Thick & Uniform
layer of hard anodic coating, no peeling off. " Abrasion as well as corrosion resistant. " Superior in hardness and low coefficient of friction. Windwell Hard anodized Drums for Lasting performance
The Hard Anodizing ( Anodic Oxidation ) : A surface treatment of aluminum, which converted into a layer of hard oxidation Aluminum having specific depth with superiority in hardness, Coating
thickness, Anti-Abrasion and low coefficient of friction. Hardness :The hardness of hard anodized drums are 495-534 BHN and increase towards inside. Comparison of Hardness Bakelite Traverse drum
33-56 Uncoated aluminum Traverse Drum 90-100 Cast Iron Traverse Drum 115-200 Hard Anodized Traverse drum 495-534 Hard Chrome 601-745 Engineering File 610-682 Coating thickness : The coating
thickness of hard anodized drums is high and reaches to 60-80 microns. Anti Abrasion : The Hard anodized drums have excellent anti-abrasion characteristic than Mild Seel and Hard Chorme plated
drums. Coefficient of friction : Coefficient of friction for hard anodized drum is low because surface layer is porous and only tipped part of it comes in contact with running yarn.