Korg N364 Synthesizer Specifications
Synthesis Type: Digital Accoustic simulation Wavetable (Advanced Integrated according to Korg) with 8 MB of ROM
- Max: 64 voices
- Typical in use: about 40
Multi-timbral (number of parts): 16
Oscillators per Voice :
Controllers : assignable value slider, assignable footswitch, damper pedal,
Effects :
- Number of FX units : 2
- Number of different effects : 47
Drum Section :
- Number of Drum Kits : 12
- Number of Drum sounds : 215
Keyboard :
- Number of Keys : 61
- Can send on 16 simultaneous MIDI channels
- Responds to : velocity, after-touch
- Sounds can be split by : velocity, keyboard
Memory :
- Patches : 536
- Performances : 400
Inputs and Outputs :
- Number of Audio Outs (excluding Phones) : 4 (1/L/Mono, 2/R, 3, 4
- Number of Audio Ins : 0
- Number of MIDI Outs (excluding Thru) : 1
- Number of MIDI Ins : 1
Korg N364 Music Workstation Keyboard Synthesizer