We carry a wide range of horsepower in our MASSEY FERGUSON Tractor line. The choices are from the compact GC2300 to the full size 3600s. They all are diesel engines and different types
of transmissions can be found on the tractors. Many are only 4 wheel drive, while some come in both 2WD or 4WD. There are loader and backhoe attachments available for all models.
Need a package deal? We let you come in and we will help you make YOUR own package deal. That's right! YOU get to pick what you want and not what someone else tells you has
to be bought to make a package deal. This way you get quality to take home over non-quality pieces and you will be happy with your purchase because YOU picked it out!!!
Along with the new tractors, at times we carry used tractors; just call and see if any are available at that time.
With or without the purchase of a tractor, you can find several lines of farm equipment to help you in your needs at your home, farm, ranch, or other location. We carry the Modern, Woods,
Tufline, Ag-Meier, Armstrong and other lines of equipment. You can choose from different equipment like cutters, discs, blades, box blades, post hole diggers, seeders, etc. If we do not
carry what you are looking for, we often have it in a catalog that we can order from.
Massey Ferguson - Utility Tractors: MF 1500 Series |