Width 62 ins.
Height 54 ins.
Tuned to concert pitch and in excellent condition.
88 note keyboard with original ivory naturals and ebony accidentals.
Action completely rebuilt in our workshop including new Bechstein pattern hammers and shanks, new damper felts, recentreing, and regulation.
Three pedals including a practise pedal.
Overstrung and under-damped.
Cast brass handles.
Ornate carved and fluted legs.
Stunning quartered Rosewood cabinet with three panelled top door, just repolished.
Gaveau Upright Piano c1911
Gaveau Upright Piano c1911
Stunning quartered Rosewood cabinet with three panelled top door, just repolished.
Gaveau Upright Piano c1911 Stunning quartered Rosewood cabinet with three panelled top door, just repolished. |