There are two basic kinds of singing bowls - the traditional Tibetan singing bowls which are made of a combination of metals, and pure quartz crystal singing bowls. Both kinds of singing bowls
produce an enchanting, peaceful sound therapy as you circle the rim with a special suede mallet. Available in many sizes and price ranges. singing bowls quickly capture the attention of all who
hear them.
You can play them at any time for just a few minutes and create a sacred space that restores and revitalizes you, gives you a sound healing inner massage, nurtures your insight and intuition, and
provides a point of focus that quiets the mental chatter. You do not need to consciously be aware of chakra balancing or crystal healing. It just happens, as your whole being moves more into
relaxation and the meditation music. You can ride the sound waves of the crystal singing bowl or Tibetan bowl to a beautiful place that you love, where you are aligned with the best that you are.
It is one kinds of musical instrument. Using by the stick we can bell and can take meditation