Artificial or simulated light gage gut banjo strings imported from Italy (Nylgut). Nylon guitar strings are usually too hard in texture to produce a satisfactory sound on gourd
banjos. Aquila Nylgut strings are of softer texture and manufactured to strict modern tolerances, made especially for fine antique and replica string instruments. They strongly
resemble real gut in tone and appearance, but are more consistent in gage and less susceptible to temperature and humidity. The initial stretch-in period is still a couple of days, but once
in tune, they are much more stable than gut.
Per set of 5 strings..............................$15.00
Artificial or simulated light gage gut banjo strings imported from Italy (Nylgut).
Per set of 5 strings $15.00
Artificial or simulated light gage gut banjo strings imported from Italy (Nylgut). Per set of 5 strings $15.00 |