SMICO DH2 SERIES is a two bearing declined screener. It was previously used for Liquid/Solids separations and now has been fully engineered to provide an extremely durable unit for aggregate,
asphalt ingredients and other high volume rugged applications. The top or centroid brute force drive uses dependable grease lubricated bearings, sealed on both sides to prevent contamination. The
drive can be set up to provide a uniform circle or elliptical action, long or short stroke with corresponding low or high speed to best handle your screening requirements. The SMICO DH2 SERIES is
manufactured in carbon or stainless steel. A full selection of custom fit options are available. Isolation springs are provided on a wide flange beam skid base. Legs, stands, and cable suspension
are available. Drive components and enclosed guards are standard. Screens in a wide range of meshes, openings and materials are available.