This instrument incorporate 240 orchestral sounds including very high quality Grand Piano. It also have an extensive Style Section (130 styles) covering a broad range from traditional dance rhythms
(Waltz, Fox Trot and Quick Step) to modern and contemporary beats and great Latin rhythms. keyboard 61 Touch Sensitive Standard Keys voices 240 Sounds, Right, Dual, Left polyphony 64 notes styles
130 Styles, Start/Stop, Fill In , Auto Start Overall Preset 20 Panel Memories styles features Fingered, Single Finger, Acc. Volume Effects Reverb, Chorus tunings Transpose, Pitch demo songs 5 demo
controls Numeric Keypads, Master Vol., On Off , Pitch Bend, Modulation disk recording Standard Midi File Compatible, Disk Features display Back Lit Display amplification 2x15 watts, Bass Reflex
weight Kg. 9 size 99 (W) x 39 (D) x 15 (H) connections Headphone, Midi In/Out, Sust.Pedal, Vol. Pedal, Line Out, Adapter