Singing bowls are made and available in different sizes and shapes, clored, hand crafted & carved designs and various patterns with their own unique sound based on the metal content/composition
used. Singing bowls are & can have carvings/crafted with varous designs resembling traditional importance ,resemblance, symbols and decoration and ritual bowls with tibetan buddhist chant Om Mani
Padme Hum Mantra, Asta mandala , asta mangal(eight 8 auspiciuos good luck symbols), Dragon carved, Buddha face and eye, Boddhishattwa Leafs, endless knot, dharmachakra - wheel of life,lotus,nepali
and tibetan buddhist ritual quotes and as well as modern designs and craftings. Now a days singing bowls are used for medical cures and treatment by the technique of sound therapy, sound massage as
a tools for holistic healing, calm the nervous system and reviving brain functions and have successful results in the treatment.
3" singing bowls in various color. Specally Made for gift sets box.