My name is Andrew Do and I am the business development manager for "The Camping Equipment Company"
We are a Canada based, family owned tent manufacturer specializing in large family camping tents.
We own and operate a China based factory and stock our goods in 3 major warehouses in the USA, Australia and the Netherlands.
The Camping Equipment Company is developing a global dealership network and we want to work with you to sell our goods worldwide.
We offer high quality tents at competitive prices and we are interested in working with you through either:
1. Drop ship basis: we store the goods, offer you a discounted dealership price and will ship to your customer as you make a sale
This method is suitable if you do not wish to buy a bulk quantity of goods at the outset
We can supply all of the technical specifications and pictures direct from our website www_campingequipmentco_com
The main advantage is that you can instantly expand your product range without having to stock the goods - get the edge on your competitors now
2. Bulk purchase: we can sell you a minimum quantity of 5 units (mixed SKU's if you wish) and ship to your location
The advantage here is that you have the physical goods in hand to display and sell
Working with The Camping Equipment Company offer you the following advantages:
1. We carry a constant and active inventory of goods from each of
our warehouses in the USA, Netherlands and Australia - This means the
goods are already produced, shipped, cleared, stocked at each location
2. There is no lead time, convoluted banking documentation,
freight, insurance or warehousing required (with the drop ship method)
3. We don't impose any minimum order quantities (with the drop ship method) and you are free
to purchase as many different models as you wish
4. We offer an unlimited lifetime guarantee on all of our goods and
will replace any item with a manufacturer's defect FREE of charge - no
need to return the defective item
Christmas is coming up soon which makes this a good opportunity to
revive your business with an entire range of equipment
Attached is a price list of available goods and dealer prices
Contact us at to get in touch with our
Sales and Marketing department on how you can take advantage of this
great offer
Andrew Do
Sales & Marketing Manager
The Camping Equipment Company
Www_campingequipmentco_com, The Camping Equipment Company, camping, tent, backpack, sleeping bag