Size: Outer Fly 5 x 4Mtr Inner Fly 4 x 3. 8mtrFamily tent double fly single fold, outer made out of grey waterproof cotton canvas weight 380 ( + -5% ) g / mtr, inner made out of grey cotton canvas weight 200 ( + -5% ) g / mtr, natural color with bathtub ground sheet of PVC fabric, one chimney size 0. 25 x 0. 25m with fire retardant fabric, standing pole, wall poles & ridge pole, of powder coated iron pipe with complete accessories, packed in one bale. Outer Dimension: Useable Floor Area15. 2mtrEntrance Hall Way 3 mtrAwning 2 mtrCentral Height 2. 2 m Wall Height 1. 2 mInner Dimension: Central Height 2. 1mWall Height 1. 1m
Size: Outer Fly 5 x 4Mtr Inner Fly 4 x 3. 8mtr
Family tent double fly single fold, outer made out o