Easy, unpretentious in service and storage the boat becomes your reliable satellite on fishing and hunting. Main assignment of a boat - walk and fisheries on the closed basins or near-shore area of
water storage basins. Large height and breadth of a side in a bow ensures good lifting on a wave. The boat can confidently be maintained at a wind 2-3 balls and wave of height 0,2-0,3 m. The boat
consists of an aluminium hull, advanced internal set. The rigidity of a case is ensured stamped corrugations, bow and stern banks, bottom floors. On a transom it is possible to establish the
pendant boat motor of low power 3-8 h.p. The fuel bowl places in a steering well of a boat. The rowing boat has the sixth category of floating, that allows her to float in an inshore waters at
waves of height up to 0,3L inclusively, and wind strength 3 balls inclusively, with removal from shores up to 0,5 miles.