Company garos is the official dealer of the Russian manufacturers abroad!
Today yaroslavl boats take first place on the Russia market. Each third pneumatic boat made in Russia its boat from yaroslavl.
Leadership does not can be casual a result of confidences of buyer. It well earned by the quality and boat reliability, which is ensured by material and technology of assembly. Production of
yaroslavl boats are distinguished from boats from usual rubber that that today in their production are used only pentasyllabic material on the base of polyester and kapron fabric, imbrued special
adhesive composition. Adhesive layers ensure a strong connection of polymeric covering with reinforcing fabrics. Covering is made on the base butyl rubber, chlor butyl rubber, ethylene propylene
rubber and chloroprene rubber. Modern polymers ensure high impermeability, toughness, stability to the wear-out and diligence. Yaroslavl boats, uses an unique technology of assembly and vulcanizes.
Boats are going to on the pipeline from damp material, and only after this vulcanize, forming a all welded product. The distinguisher all welded vulcanized boat is specific welted joint on
Safety certificate and qualities yaroslavl boats is that they are used ministry of emergency situation of Russia. Life boat are completed troops of lifeguards country wide