Amatrol learning systems are complete solutions for learning, consisting of hands-on training equipment and/or software, student learning materials in print-based and multimedia formats, teacher
guides, student assessment, and teacher training. Amatrol learning systems offer the following key benefits: INDUSTRY-RELEVANT HANDS-ON EXPERIENCE - Amatrol's hands-on training equipment and
software replicate industrial applications and conditions, presenting students with realistic learning experiences. These trainers use industrial quality components and include features such as
fault insertion, dynamic loading and static loading. SKILLS-BASED LEARNING - Amatrol's student learning materials use a task-based design where student activities are structured around
industry-based tasks. This assures students that they are learning skills industry needs. Features Manufacturing Systems CAD/ CAM Machining-CNC Machining-Manual Metals Processes Plastic Molding
Mechanical Systems Conveyors Central Lubrication Mechanical Drives Rigging Robotics/Automation Computer Integrated Manufacturing Flexible Manufacturing Systems Robotics Machine Vision
Computer Integrated.
Flexible Manufacturing.