The Kunas have settle in the Uraba region of Colombia and the coaster stripe of the Atlantic shore that goes from Colombia to Panama. Most women stay at their houses and men are devoted to agriculture. The Kuna women elaborate the MOLA which is a superposed application of fabrics of different colors that are cut and sewed, and form beautiful geometric, zoomorphic and tribal symbols with cultural religious meanings. In Tula Gaya, the language of Kunas, the word MOLA means dress or blouse. It is a art piece intricately designed sewed that women Kuna use to embellish their dresses. The MOLA is a reverse application technique in which several layers of cotton fabrics are sewed by hand, forming colorful designs that may be traditional geometric forms-or-daily-life representations. It is important to explain that this is not a serial manufacturing process. They are unique pieces, because each designs is unique and original, fully conceived by they authors, who not only sew but also design it. Any question please contact us, we have so many designs.
The Kunas have settle in the Uraba region of Colombia and the coaster stripe of the Atlantic shore t