Shampan Group is dealing with all type fashionable leather products such as Shoe, Sandal, Boot, Belt, Wallet, Leather Jacket, Parts, Hand Globe etc. The main export country of Shampan Group is to Japan.
In the light of the above Mr. Morshed has established marketing office at Tokyo City, Japan. Dream comes true and we have entered into a huge export market. But our production quantity is so small that it is very difficult to satisfy a single buyer. So we have to think about BMRE of it's existing unit for higher production and better quality.
Shampan Group is established in the year 1995. Shampan Shoes ltd. Shampan Trading Corp . C.S. Leather Rayans Leather Fashion is the Sister Concerns of Shampan Group.
During the early phase of Industrialization before independence our focus was on import substitution in consumer goods Industries (e. g. sugar, paper etc.) The period was also characterized by development of export oriented industries such as jute and jute goods. This export oriented traditional industry suffered seriously primarily due to the reducing external demand because of the world wide stagnation in 1970 as well as technological development in synthetic fiber which largely replaced the use of jute and jute goods. The decline of exports of non-traditional manufactured goods. During the first led by frozen food, ready made garments (RMG) and then by leather goods.
Land and labor are the two major resources in Bangladesh. In a predominantly agrarian economy of the country Industrial sector contributes about 10 percent of GDP only. However, as irrigated acreage cannot be expanded beyond a certain point the acceleration of growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the long run depends critically on the growth of the industrial sector. The supporting role of Industrial sector is absolutely essential even in the Agriculture sector led growth scenario not only for supplying for inputs to agriculture and for processing of its products. But also for strengthening the balance of payments position through the establishment of export oriented and import substitute industries.
The overall management of the company will be vested with the Board of Directors. The Board will formulate company's policies and provide guidelines for its day-to-day business operation. The Managing Director is the Chief Executive to look after the business affairs and other logistic support of the company. The Managing Director will be assisted by the other Director as well as by the managerial and technical staff at different levels. The brief bio-data of the sponsors are described as follows and detail attached with the loan proposal.
Shampan Group is set up by a team of highly professional, well experienced and financially sounds Bangladeshi entrepreneurs. The sponsors have excellent track record about industrial, commercial, financial and production management. The experienced sponsors of this company have very dynamic out look and expertise about the technology and production management.
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Cow Leather
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Shamsuddin Ahmed | Chairman |
Sheikh Monjur Morshed | Managing Directior/CEO |
Sheikh Ziaul Ashan | Executive Director |
Ranu Sakina Ahmed | Director |
Men's Dress Shoes CS-335