The range, quantity of models andstyles For the last years has considerably extended. Introduction ofthe advanced workings out of domestic and foreign manufacturers ofthe shoe equipment allows us to increase productivity, at the sametime to increase quality, to do footwear beautiful, convenient,durable. Close work with suppliers of modern and qualitativeaccessories from Russia, Italy, Poland, Turkey gives the chance tosatisfy the most refined wishes of our buyers. The developedmarketing network gives the chance to work with the most remoteregions of the country. We constantly increase qualification of ourexperts. The people taken on production, have taken place for a longtime as professionals, and for them care of reputation ofmanufactured footwear and of the consumer blessing are equallyimportant. We are convinced that the success of our company dependson each concrete employee, its qualification, professionalism. Andwell-being of each employee in turn depends on success of thecompany. Times vary, the fashion, tastes, predilections is changed.We follow the law of changes and consequently we create the items,capable to satisfy all requests which you present to good footwear.All passes invariably one the manufacturer to whom you trust.
We are the large manufacturer of men's shoes in Russia.