Our company, is also happy to announce to you, our valuable customers that the quality of service won't be decreased by getting ISO 9001 certification.
Now, our company that fullfils importing, exporting, franchising and selling activities for seven different product group ( Staff Uniform, Personnel Shoes, Hotel Amenities Products, Hotel Textile Products, Fitness Equipment, Promotion Products, Hotel Interior Renovation Services ) will keep up its activities with lots of new and enhanced projects by its corporative structure, work ethic, middle and long term strategies in upcoming years.
Our organization has a proven track-record in Antalya and Turkey as well by always protecting the quality of work and paying attention to customer satisfaction. The company is exporting 4 different destination countries to extend its service to protect product quality. Our organization that has wide range of customer portfolyo keeps up its activities by meeting needs of companies that run business in different industries with its infrastructure, projects and renews itself continuously.
Efecan Textile Ltd. that has started its activities in 2000 has been working as serving to tourism industry since its establishment.
Efecan Shoes - 019