We can also produce for our customer's own design under their brand name. We are proud to distinguish our company with its very high quality production carried out by modern equipment and facility,
long term experience in the market, fast delivery and service support and high capacity production capability. click on the picture to view bigger. We believe that we are very much competitive with
our prices for the quality level we offer and with strong partnership we will definitely be very active in foreign markets as we believe in our quality, price and standards. Thanks to our talented
designers, our shoes have a leading role in the market. We carry over more than 600 models, mainly classical but also attractive modern lines. All of our products are manufactured in our own
factory which means we do not sell any other brands/goods which are not manufactured by us. Our main strategy can be summarized as production from the best raw material, for best quality with very
attractive prices on punctual supply terms. We are producing for very well known Turkish brands and chain shops. Apart from production for local customers we export our products to Germany, France,
UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, USA, Iran, Iraq, Dubai, Bahrein, Qatar, Pakistan, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Romania, Kazakhistan, Avustralia and Japan. Mainly very famous brands all over the
world prefers to work with us as they rely on our quality and service. We are presenting the very latest lines of our high quality shoes in our website however our customers are welcomed to visit
our company to see our new facility and check out all existing models in our showroom which are more than 600 and renewed every season with more fashion ones.
We can also produce for our customer's own design under their brand name