Yours sincerely,
Wedo hope that we could draw your kind attention and we will be able to buildsuccessful partnership between our companies in the future.
Besideoffering our own styles we are ready to work in CMT cooperation, too,fulfilling the most particular individual customer queries as well.
Thehigh quality of our products is due to the excellent quality of skins, andaccessories. On the other hand the classical handcutting, the different andprotected manual and machine technology we use guarantee our capability to makethe customers fully satisfied with our products.
Ourcapacity, that is being developed according to the market needs, is 50-60000pairs of shoes a year.
Ouraim is to develope our markets and partnerhips, to make new connections on bothsides of our comercial activities.
Wedeliver our products to almost each part of the world making our customersfully satisfied with them.
Meetingthe requirements of the latest fashion trends we introduce several new modelsevery year widening our rich collection with many hundreds of different styles.
Ourcompany the Daniel Shoes Ltd. manufactures and sells mainly leather fashionshoes, using the tradicional technology.
Dear Sirs,
Men, handmade leather shoe.