myCATS, an eco-friendly shoe company, appearedon the NY Fashion runway when chosen for the Spring 2010 mens collection byclothing designer Simon Spurr. With a high quality product and an
importantcause, myCATS shoes made their runway debut bringing visibility to theireco-conscious cause. Chosen for the show by SPURR was the men's Sitges modelavailable in navy blue, beige, and blue
& white stripes which provideelegant, but casual comfort. myCATS shoes are hand-made from naturalmaterials with a sole made from jute, a fibrous plant with naturalanti-bacterial properties.
With every shoe purchase, myCATS plants 10 treescontributing to the global efforts of renewing our planets natural resources.Trees not only clean the air we breathe, but also create
self-sustainedcommunities by providing shelter, medicine, food, and improving overall rurallivelihood. myCATS gives their customers the power to help our planet andpeople around our
Eco-Friendly, we've got them! Comfortable yet stylish, we've got that too! myCAT shoes are meant to be used over and over again