We have the honor of working with you!
Hopefully,we can have your interest.
Our giudeline service is: Bring Viet peoples quitessence to the world-wide nations.
To have more inform about us,please access our website :
Email 2:
Estabished in 2001, SonSon Enterprise specialies in produce and suply the Vietnamese fake handcrafts that traditonal villaes with the mateals as : bamboo, wood, stone, ceramic, shell, silk,
sedgeCatching up with the development of the custommer,so now we have rebility from worldwide custommers such as: America, France, Gemany, England, Thailand, Australia, China, Hongkong, sweeden In
my country,Sonson label is imposter to nationwide districts as : Hanoi, QuangNinh, Haiphong, Hue, Danang, Hochiminh city, Dalat So,to have a best prices we opened two offices that is close to Hanoi
old quarter:
Head office: 41 Hang Hom street-Hoan Kiem DictrictHanoi capital-Vietnam
Phone : +84.4.39287871
Fax : +84.4.39288349
Other Branch : 37 HangBe treet-HoanKiem distrct-Hanoi Capital-VietNam
Phone : +84.4.39263069
SonSon Enterprises repet for you
traditonal villaes with the mateals as : bamboo, wood, stone, ceramic, shell, silk, sedgeCatching up with the development
traditonal villaes with the mateals as : bamboo, wood, stone, ceramic, shell, silk, sedgeCatching up with the development |