Used for buzz outs to skive injuredarea after buffing.The stiff brush isdesigned to cut, not texture.Doubleadapter allows to reverse the sharpside of the brush without having toremove the nut
andwasher.Removable plastic insert for1/2" Arbor Hole.Use in low speedgrinders.TEXTURING BRUSH2" Coarse Texture BrushProvides final texture ofrubber in skive area.Wire size 0.0141 1/2" Coarse
Texture BrushRemoves scorched rubberin finished buzzouts.Wire size 0.0143" Coarse Texture BrushProvides final texture ofrubber in skive area.5000 max r.p.m,Wire size 0.0143" Fine Texture
BrushRemoves scorched rubberin finished buzzouts.Wire size 0.005SKIVE BRUSHUse for preparing tyre injury after drilling or grinding.Solid shaft will not unravel during use.Use with lowWIRE WHEEL
BRUSHCarbon steel wire will notbreak off, separate or heatup and scorch rubber.Perfectly balanced longestwearing.591-40596-10596-20593-20593-30596-30PLASTIC ENCAPSULATED BRUSHESRUBBER ENCAPSULATED
WIRE BRUSHESMinimizes bristle spreading & wear, controls cut depth andFor removal of rubber surrounding steel cables withoutdamaging the wires.Wire - 0.006 Fine Arbor hole - 3/8"3" TWISTED SKIVING
BRUSH597-20 597-30598-30560-03 * Remove plastic insert for 1/2" Arbor HoleWire -