Samtessi Brush Manufacturers (Pvt) Ltd; is a leading brush and broom manufacturer, a BOI ( Board of Investment, Sri Lanka ) approved joint collaboration of M/s. Essef, Belgium and DSI Samson Group
of Sri Lanka. Our brush and broom products are both attractive and long lasting, manufactured with state of the art machinery and rigid quality assurance procedure, resulting in high demand
Samtessi manufactures many varieties of brushes and brooms out of rubber ( Hevea brasiliensis ) wood using coco, palmyrah, polypropylene fibre and animal hair according to customer needs. The
specially manufactured high-tech " tuffing machine " used for tufting purposes produces quality and durable brushes even exceeding customer expectation. Presently, Samtessi is the sole producer of
PP ( polyptopylene ) fibre in Sri Lanka
Samtessi Brush Manufacturers (Pvt) Ltd; is a leading brush and broom manufacturer, a BOI ( Board of Investment
Samtessi Brush Manufacturers (Pvt) Ltd; is a leading brush and broom manufacturer, a BOI ( Board of Investment |