Tile & Grout cleaning is an easy and profitable add-on sale! Don't step over dollars to pick up quarters.
This is a service that makes you more money! 233% More than Carpet Cleaning!!!
In our geographic area the going rate for carpet cleaning is only $.30 a sq. ft. but it is $1.00 a sq. ft. for grout and tile cleaning.
The grout and tile brush does an excellent job because of the design of the brush and the oscillation. As they oscillate, the bristles on the CCS Tile'n Grout brush actually "pick" the dirt and grease out of the surface you are cleaning, quickly leaving the tile gleaming
Clean Grout and Tile... Concrete and Brick
Clean Grout and Tile... Concrete and Brick
13" brush for 15" machines
15" Brush for 17" machines
Clean Grout and Tile... Concrete and Brick 13" brush for 15" machines 15" Brush for 17" machines |