Pneumatically operated Drill capable of Drilling in both DOWN THE HOLE & JACK HAMMER modes - ideally suitable for drilling lead holes Matching for DIAMOND WIRE CUTTING of decorative MARBLE, GRANITE
ROCKS, etc.Machine has been specially designed for Precision drilling of matching holes and ability to drill holes in both VERTICAL & HORIZONTAL positions. A ball joint is provided at the bottom of
the Mast to facilitate Precision alignment for matching holes. Provided with one spike & two Anchoring Rods & Adjusting screws to maintain perfect rigidity during drilling. Light in weight, machine
can be easily dismantled into four SUB-ASSEMBLIES - each weighing not more than 50 Kgs - thus ensuring easy portability and repositioning. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Details Slim Drill SLD-100
Dimension of hole 90 dia to 115.0 dia Depth of Hole vertical 30 Mtrs. Depth of Hole Horizontal 20 Mtrs. Drill pipe size 76.0 mm dia Drill pipe length 1.22 Mtrs. Minimum centre height of hole from
ground 125.0 mm Weight (Aprrox.) 468 Kgs. Height of Rig 3250 mm Width of Rig 600 mm Rotation Unit 4.5 H.P R.P.M 0 to 50 Feed Unit 4.5 H.P Pull up & Down Force 1500 kg. Air requirement 10 CM? at 7