1-9/16 SDS-max? Combination Hammer
Model 11241EVS
2 modes of operation - rotary hammer or hammeronly.
Combines drilling performance from a rotary
hammer and chipping performance from a light
demolition hammer
SDS-max? bit system tool-free bit changes with automatic bit locking, dust protection
and maximum impact energy transfer rate
"Combination" dual mode selector 2 modes of operation, rotary hammer and hammer
only mode
Auto-Max? dial variable speed dial designed to automatically insure the maximum
speed and power every time the tool is plugged in
Constant ResponseTMCircuitry Provides soft-start, maintains constant speed under
load, provides overload protection
TurboTM Power delivers 20% more power in hammer only mode
Service MinderTM light indicates when preventative maintenance is required
Power light - ensures operator that power feed is live
Innovative service modules designed so a qualified service technician can quickly
replace the brushes and cord
Vario-LockTM positioning Service modules for brushes and cord
Patented cord turret provides added flexibility and reduces cord wear
Vibration dampening handle reduces vibration up to 40%, providing uncompromising
user comfort for extended periods of work