Mows grass and mulches material up to 3 in diameter (7cm). Lateral sideshift up to 51. Hydraulic angling of mower from 90o above to 46o below horizontal.. Full length rear roller with height
adjustment. Patented rear hatch (open - discharges grass a?Dowing speeds up to 6MPH; closed-shreds brush to a finer mulch). Gearbox mounted on left side of belt drive case for better alignment of
PTO shaft. 540 RPM gearbox with freewheel. Cat II three point hitch. AVS 150 150cm / 59in 15 40 / 84 680 / 1496 AVS 175 175cm / 69in 18 40 / 84 750 / 1650 AVS 200 200cm / 79in 21 40 / 84 800 / 1760
AVS 225 225cm / 89in 21 40 / 84 870 / 1914