Quality, Dependability, and Performance are three reasons why the TW family of cutters from RHINO are mowing the competition down!
The TW60, 72, and 84 offer mowing widths of 60", 72" and 84", and feature a rugged 110 HP gearbox with a Cat 4 driveline to provide dependable service. The driveline and gearbox are protected from sudden shock loads by an easily-adjustable slip clutch to reduce maintenance costs. A heavily reinforced, continuously welded, 10 guage top deck featuring a rounded-edge design for added strength and easy clean up helps ensure quality throughout. The TW60 and TW72 are available as a 540 RPM, three-point lift model. The TW84 is available as a 540 or 1000 RPM unit, with a three-point lift or pull hitch, to fit a wide range of tractors. High blade tip speed and updraft blades mounted on a pan blade carrier helps ensure a smooth, even cut.
The Rhino TW60, 72, and 84 family of heavy-duty cutters are ideal for mowing grass, shredding stalks