Sears Craftsman Rear Bagging Self Propelled Lawn Mower! This high wheel lawn mower is easy to use and known for durability. The review tests showed the was very easy to start due to the Craftsman
MRS easy start key system. You do not need to prime or choke this engine mower to start it.
The is available for home delivery or you can buy it online here and pick it up immediately at your local Sears store.
This has a 6.75 ft lbs gross torque Briggs & Stratton Engine and because of the easy start key start system just turn the key and you're running. The Craftsman 22 Inch self propelled mower has an
easy deck system which allows for easy cleaning.
Sears Craftsman Rear Bagging Self Propelled Lawn Mower! This high wheel lawn mower is easy to use