Wrap 'N' Tap Ring Looping PliersATTENTION BENCH JEWELERS: Here is truly a REVOLUTIONARY idea, simple, yet extremely effective, invented and patented by a master jeweler. We call them Wrap 'N' Tap
pliers, because the jeweler can wrap ring stock around the barrel shaped jaw, then tap it slightly on a mandrel and intantly make a complete ring, half or quarter shank for repair. Two sizes are
available, 14mm barrel for ladies rings and 19mm barrel for gents' rings and coin mountings. This pair is the 14mm ladies sizes. Pliers are especially good for hollow rings and rings with a design
on one side, becaus the lower jaw is covered with PVC tubing and cannot scratch or mar. You get a perfect circle time after time, with stock up to 2mm thick. Made of stainless steel with PVC
cushion grips.ReviewsThere are currently no product reviews.NOTE: Reviews may require prior approval before they will be displayed
Here is truly a REVOLUTIONARY idea, simple, yet extremely effective, invented and patented by a master jeweler.