We are real manufacturers and exporters of all Kinds of Surgical,Dental,Body Piercing Instruments/Piercing Tools(Pennington Forceps Slotted & Non-Slotted,Sponge Forpces Slotted & Non-Slotted,Septum
Forpces,Hemostatic Forceps,Needle Holders,Dermal Anchor Forceps,Instruments Trays,Galipots,Kidney Dishes,Piercing Wheel Gauge,Body Piercing Instruments Kits,Insertion Pins,Bead Holder/Ball
Grabbers, Piercing Tweezers,Dressing Scissors,Bio Plast Threading Pliers, Bio Plast Threading Tools... etc),Manicure/Pedicure Instruments(Cuticle Nippers,Toenail Nippers,Beauty Tweezers,Edge Tip
Cutters,Corn Cutters,Shaving Razors,Cuticle Beauty Pushers,Beauty Kits), Pliers(Jewelry Pliers,Jewelry Crimping Pliers,Jewelry Micro Series Pliers,Fish Pliers,Ring Opening Pliers and Closing
Pliers,Optical Pliers,Economic Pliers,Bail Making Pliers,Nylon Jaw Pliers,Step Pliers,Needle Pliers,Ergonomic Pliers,Bending Pliers,Rosary Pliers,Orthodontic Pliers,TC Dental Pliers,Watch Making
Pliers etc),Jewelry Making Tools(Anvils & Shears, Jewelery Hammers,Jewelry Ring Cutters,Jewelry Making Tweezers,Measuring Tools,Jewlery Pliers Wooden Stands...etc), Professional Razor Edge
Shears/Scissors,Barber Shears/Scissors,Cuticle Nail Scissors,Pet Grooming Shears/Scissors,Titanium PVD Plasma Coated Scissors & Nippers in Sialkot, Pakistan..Our main markets of export are USA,
UK,GERMANY, FRANCE, plus many other European and Asian countries. Tell us about your required/interested tools for pricing and other details...For more information, please contact
us.Sincerely,Humayoun Chand (CEO)Orebro InternationalP.O.Box 2468,Khan Mahal Road,Tariq Pura,Sialkot,Pakistan
Jewelry Pliers,Ring Cutters,Fish Pliers,Ring Opening and Closing Pliers,Optician Pliers,Economic Pliers