Kamisori's DAMASCUS series shears are manufactured one by one by the most respected Japanese manufacturers with a history steeped in the finest craftsmanship passed from one generation to the
next. Damascus alloy steel is composed of 16 premium steels carefully mixed together and layered through a very special process by highly skilled craftsmen. You can see this by the
natural patterns on the surface of shears. Shears are fashioned with Damascus alloy steel by the very finest Japanese shear artisans, bringing the very best tool available for obtaining
professional results with each cut.One of the best ever developed steel for sword-making in history of warfare was the Damascus steel and its pattern welded manufacturing process. While it is
believed to have originated in Syria, the Damascus steel system was used extensively in Japan for the legendary Samurai sword.Of course professional hair stylists do not go into battle with swords.
But they do need a steel for their shears which is hard, flexible, strong, sharp and yet not brittle. They need a shear that will cut clean and yet hold its edge for thousands of cuts.
Kamisori Emereld Damascus Hairdressing Scissors