Our continued commitment to quality has ensured that our products are manufactured to the highest standard having been assessed and registered as meeting the requirements and we are safe in the
knowledge that.....
Mian Latif
C.E.O./ President
Secure Tools Industries
Our innovative approach combined with years of experience has resulted in an expansion of scope encompassing new technical advancements within the Healthcare industry.
Our accreditations and standards gave an outline about the highest level of quality beauty instruments manufactured at Secure Tools. We have certified following international and local quality
Secure Tools Makers have been serving the surgical trade since 1990 and during this time we have secured a reputation for both quality and innovation. From our manufacturing base in North London,
qualified technicians have been producing a wide range of instrumentation for use in many areas of Manicure,Surgical & Dental.
Art No : ST-2203
Hair Thining Scissor
14 Teeth
Size: 6.5"
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