Fog system includes:Fog nuzzles Fog control equipment Compressor Mist or fog systems are used to provide humidity and reduce temperature in hot and dry areas. These systems work with water and
compressed air at the same time. Water and compressed air are delivered to the greenhouse using different piping systems. The greenhouse is divided in sectors which are controlled by electric
valves and the main computer. The sensors transmit humidity content of the greenhouse to the computer and the computer sends the signal to the compressor and the water pump to inject air and water
into the greenhouse. The air and the water meet inside the nuzzles and the nuzzle sprays the mist into the air. When the amount of humidity reaches de desired level, the sensor sends the data to
the main computer and the computer sends a signal to stop the system. The humidity reduces the temperature as well specially if accompanied by circulation fans.
Fog nuzzles
Fog control equipment