Spray brush, weeds, thistles, grassland, pasture, roadsides, levees, ditches, fence rows, under trees, and hard to reach areas.
Pastures, Road Sides & Margin Areas
Spray Livestock
Feedlots Dairy Farms
Barns Stables Poultry Confinement Broiler/Poultry Houses
Wind Breaks
Tree Farms
Nursery Container Stock
Truck Produce
Vineyards Golf Courses & Parks Beverage Plants
Kennels Debris Control Mosquito Control
Food Processing Plants
Warehouses Sanitation Odor Control Dumpsters
Common Applications:
Feedlot Applications- Livestock Insect Control, Weed Control, Feed Bunk Cleaning and Snow Removal.
Fungicide Applications- Soybean Rust, Pumpkins (Powdery Mildew), Melons, Vineyards, and Orchards (Citrus Greening).
Foliar Fertilizer Applications- Spray Sweet Corn, Vegetables, Pumpkins, Vineyards, Tomatoes, Watermelon, Strawberries, Alfalfa, Soybeans, and Truck Produce.
Cleaning and Disinfecting- Blow Out Poultry Houses, Livestock Confinements, and Stock Trailers.
Debris Control- Blow Away Debris and Leaves in Driveways, Fairways, Greens, Machine Shops, Racetracks, Parking Lots, and Snow Blowing.
Public Area Applications- Campgrounds, Cities and Municipalities, Golf Courses, Hunting and Fishing Lodges, Parks, Fair and Rodeo Grounds.
Deer, Elk, Sheep, Pronghorn, EHD, Spray Flies, Gnats, Mosquitoes, and Ticks.
Pasture/Range Spraying- Noxious Weed Control, Broadleaf, Spray Road Ditches, Brush, Fence Rows, Levees, Spray Under Trees, Wet Areas and Steep Areas, Lagoons, Rocky Areas, and Inaccessible Areas.
Truck/Garden Produce/Horticultural- Melons, Orchards, Pumpkins, Strawberries, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Greenhouses, Nurseries and Vineyards, Orchards and Tree Farms, Nut Bearing Trees and Pecan, High and Low Bush Blueberries, and Container Stock
Insect Control-Aphids, Army Worms, Bean Leaf Beetles, Boll Weevils, Corn Borer, Corn Ear Worm, Flies, Gnats, Grasshoppers, Mosquitoes (Encephylitis/West Nile Virus), Stinkbugs, Ticks, and EHD.
Mist Sprayer Uses
A1 Mist Sprayers Resources manufactures versatile, compact mist blower units which apply Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides and Foliar Fertilizer. Some call them mist sprayers, mist blowers, blower sprayers or foggers. No matter what you call them, these units spray more effectively than any other application method!
Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides and Foliar Fertilizer. Some call them mist sprayers, mist blowers