2 Years Knockdown, 5 Years Factory Warranty
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Leica Rugby 280DG Multipurpose Plus A horizontal, vertical and dual grade laser for any exterior or interior application.
The Rugby 280DG is a multipurpose laser Plus with fully automatic, dual grade capability. It has a bright red beam, plumb beam, scan mode, horizontal and vertical selfleveling, plus dual grade up
to 15% in both axes. Available with a two-way remote control, the Rugby 280DG fits well in any construction plan.
Leica Rugby 270SG A fully automatic, single grade laser.
The Rugby 270SG is a fully automatic, single grade laser for the general construction contractor that needs a level or single slope for flat work, site preparation, septic installation, trenching
and more.
Leica Rugby 260SG A highly accurate, general construction laser with singlegrade capability.
The Rugby 260SG is a rugged general construction laser with great accuracy, LCD grade readout and semi-automatic grade with bump alert.
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Leica Rugby 260SG A highly accurate, general construction laser with singlegrade capability.
Leica Rugby 260SG A highly accurate, general construction laser with singlegrade capability. |